Tuesday, June 7, 2011

#7. Giving a fake number and them calling you while you standing there

This is a rookie mistake, taking your phone out while some creeper is trying to talk to you. They will most likely ask for your number and then they most likely will say, “let me call you so you have mine too”.


At this point if you have given a fake number your phone won’t ring…then you have to back track and think of some excuse, “oh.. did you think I said 6 I meant 9, my bad” or ‘this isn’t my phone I’m just holding my friends’….whichever excuse you use the likelihood of them believing you is slim to none, so either man up and give them the right number or just stand there in silence until a friend or interruption comes along where you can walk away feeling like a jerk.

My sister has traumatized me with these stories, so I generally try to avoid the number hand off at all costs or I suck it up and give them the right number while secretly writing DO NOT ANSWER as the contact info… my sister however has had a number of instances where she’ll give the wrong number, they call, it’s in her hand….and then BAM, its not ringing… and there she is, standing awkwardly, knowing it’s not going to ring but praying please just let someone call you or some miracle happen where you phone miraculously goes off… the guy looks at you…you look at him with pity in your eyes… and throw out the ‘oh look at the time…gotta get home” and hope he doesn’t see you get a drink at the bar on his way out.

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