Wednesday, June 1, 2011

#4: Dating: Saying the wrong person’s experiences with another person

I mean you could write a whole separate blog about the awkward dating moments we all have in life. One that I think I have a fair share with is mistaking specific conversations you’ve had with different guys.

I mean there is the normal name slip up, talk slip up “remember when I told you this”… the likes and dislikes.. “Oh ya you don’t like ice cream right because your lactose intolerant?” then they throw out the… “that wasn’t me…ice cream is my favorite food” comment back. I mean its not the end of the world, very easily played off… … “oh that must have been my best friend, my roommate…” generally it’s not the worst thing when you slip up. A minor awkward moment if you will.

It’s those times when you are CONFIDENT that it was that person and so you go to great lengths to describe the entire situation and how you know it was them and then at some point during the conversation a lightbulb turns on and ding….wrong person. Now you’ve gotten so far into your argument that it was them you can’t turn back. At this point you just go with it, I mean if your smooth you generally can pull it off, if you have no game…its just awkward. You both know it wasn’t him…so just try to casually stop the “I know it was you because we were on the couch after that dance club and the five tequila shots…” so that you don’t completely kill the situation you have going for you and hopefully are more careful in the future.

Along the same lines as this one is the text/technology mix up. Everyone has done it and if you haven’t…props. Everyone tries to get out of it, but no one ever believes you, you could have the best excuse in the world and honestly I have never once heard of someone actually believing the person about it.

The best example I have is I accidentally sent a text to one of my guy friends that I had no interest in but was into me “Come cuddle”, oops. Long story short, that text was supposed to go to another guy… wake up in the morning to a, “oh hey, what was that about…” and the only thing I could think of on the fly was, “Oh I was lonely, that was to my sister…wanted her to come keep me company”. I mean you can read bullshit through the words. And If I wasn’t lying, anyone that texts ‘come cuddle’ to their sister at 2 o’ clock in the morning…probably has something weird going on there too…

No one believes you, you don’t even believe yourself, you know it’s uncomfortable but you just go with it and try to avert the conversation to something else knowing both of you know what’s going on. 

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