Monday, June 6, 2011

#6. Dating Shows

Dating shows are my number one most uncomfortable feeling… Millionaire Matchmaker, Blind Date, The Bachelor etc… These shows all start off great, you’re enjoying yourself, laughing at the comical references, the outrageous people, the psychos, who claim they aren’t ‘really’ psycho the editing just makes them that way, (ya I’m sure). But then there is some point in the show, usually when the two people that are being set up actually meet, when shit hits the fan.

The show now turns from a good fun time into a show that is actually hard to watch. There is not a normal person that goes on these shows. For one reason really, if something wasn’t wrong with them they wouldn’t be on it because they wouldn’t be single and because all the normal, boring people don’t make good TV. I know that I am one of those uncomfortable moment kind of people that anything awkward happens and I myself start sweating…however when the bad charm, creeper people come out and try to woo these semi normal people it’s just hard to sit through for anyone.

My sister is an avid watcher of these dating shows and I try to sit through them with her to show some support. She laughs and jokes along with the shows and every time I tell her, please turn the channel this is hard to watch. Not saying my sister is some kind of harsh pessimist that likes to see people fail, but she enjoys these things and always tells me to suck it up and calm down. But to show just how awkward these shows are the other day we were sitting through Millionaire Matchmaker and to my non-surprise the two couples ended up NOT working out…shocking… however, it comes to a point where the couple is literally eating unborn duck fetuses and the creeper guy is asking the kindergartner teacher about becoming his future wife when my sister turns to me and oh so casually says “Ya, you’re right this is pretty awkward” and we both sit through the rest of the show trying not to be completely creeped out while still not turning the channel…

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