- Level 1: Tag still on our clothes, then a close friend or family member tells you before you actually are seen by anyone in public.
- Level 2: You go to wear a shirt and the tag is still on but you know you’ve worn that shirt before…then you start thinking how many times have I worn this shirt and no one has told me? How many people must hate me that they haven’t told me all day? This are all the kinda awkward a little bit embarrassing moments…but they can get worse.
- Level 3: You notice when you are out in public that you still have a tag on.
- Level 4: Not only having attached tags in public but having th little sticky tags that say what size you are wearing that is still attached to either your shirt or you pants. XXL striped 10 times down the back of your pants, not so subtle.
My Dad told me this story one time and it paints a perfect picture of this awkward situation....
He was at work one day, feeling good, it was casual Friday so he took advantage of it. He works in IT and his usual get up is a little stuffy so the jeans and t shirt was a nice change from the typical work outfit. My mom had just bought him a new Led Zepplin t-shirt about a week earlier and he was pretty stoaked to bust out his new hip/cool rocker t-shirt with a nice little button up over it. This might sound like a pretty rockin outfit but a little disclaimer about my Dad first. Not only is my Dad color blind he also has terrible style, needless to say he doesn’t really care what he puts on. So that morning he gets dressed in the dark already knowing what he’s going to put on, doesn't even bother to look in the mirror.
He gets to work, having a good day, good hair, comfortable in the outfit, overall he is looking good…had a couple meetings, they went well most likely due to the outfit, walked down the street passed a group of women, they giggled, gotta be the fit right? He’s almost done with the day when he decides to go to the bathroom…as he’s walking there his boss passes by him and says “Hey Mike new shirt?” My Dad in response turns around thinking 'oh ya I look good, Led Zepplin shirt good choice', “Ya! It is” confidently responds my dad…his boss looks at him smiles and says "ya, you still have the sticky tag on the front". My dad had walked around the entire day, through meetings, lunch, down the street with a huge XL XL XL sticker down the front of his new cool Led Zepplin shirt….