Awkward Moments Gone Right.

I have been noticing lately that awkward moments and situations can actually lead to a grand ole time and a really good experience. So instead of just talking about the uncomfortable feelings and thick tension all the time I figured I would put in a page about awkward moments that have turned out for the better. An example being, blog post #11. Running into someone you've hooked up with and NOT recognizing him or her. If you remember is an awkward time for the person involved but all the bystanders are having a GREAT time. Awkward moment gone right. Here are a few others;

Awkward Moments Gone Right:
  1. Xenia on The Voice 
  2. Puppies with short legs or long bodies. They are adorable cause they are so awkward and when they grow up they are still awkward and not quite as cute but you love them for it. 
  3. High Fives. We were walking through a festival the other day and a guy went to high five my friend walking down the street. Great high five, loud noise, perfect positioning, my friend's feeling good about it. Then the next person we pass goes up to high five her and not thinking about it she just puts her hand up for another great high five moment (2 out of 2, impossible) the guy totally punks her and puts his hand down right as she went to high five. A simply great moment that we laughed about for the next two blocks home. 
  4. Puppies with short legs. My puppy has short legs and a long body and I know he is going to be so awkward when he grows up but he is SO adorably cute right now, who cares!

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