Monday, May 2, 2011

#2 Mistaking a child's gender

This one is never a comfortable moment but there is a way to salvage the situation. Since in some situations you really can't get around saying ‘it or they’ when you just don’t know if it’s a boy or girl…you have to make a quick decision. When confusing the gender of some parent's God's gift to the universe child there are two ways to go about it. 

Situation 1: If you mistake a boy for a girl, you can save the situation a little easier. All you do in this situation is notice something that is just overwhelmingly beautiful about the child. 

Examples: thick curls, long eyelashes, beautiful skin.

Pick something and exaggerate just how overwhelmingly breathtaking this particular feature is on the child. The parent will most likely forget you mistook their precious child for the wrong sex and in return glow with joy about just how beautiful their child actually is, regardless of the real beauty of the kid.

Situation 2: Mistaking a girl for a boy, this one isn’t quite as easy to get out of. At this point I usually just try to blame the mistake on how I’ve been getting my words mixed up all day. Play it off as a long day or how tired you are… if this doesn’t seem to work just mention how you yourself were a tomboy or little girlie when you were young and everything worked out ok for you….

You’ll probably get looks of confusion and judgment but at least it takes the attention of the child mishap off the actual baby and onto what happened with you… 

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