Sunday, April 3, 2011

First: A little bit about me...

Ok, here’s a little background for all you readers out there. I am one of the biggest closest awkward people you will find. I am what you would call a magnet for awkward moments. If there is an awkward moment out there, I will find it. But here’s the catch, I don’t let on that I am an awkward person or that I am even experiencing one of these moments. For all the bystanders out there I appear completely normal and when awkward things happen to me I show close to no reaction. Inside, however, my stomach is tossing and turning, I’m talking to myself at a mile a minute and I’m trying to find the easiest, most efficient way, to get out of the situation. 

This blog is a taste of the awkward things in life that we all do and encounter but probably don’t think twice about because hey they really don’t leave that huge of an impact on our lives. However, they do leave us with a laugh and, if not a laugh, a smile because isn’t that all that really matters? Enjoy.

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